Instagram + PostalPix = EasyHappyLove

The other day I had a Grand Delusion.  I was going to start crafting, regularly.  You know, in all the spare time I have between being a SAHM to three kids ranging from three years old to ten, homeschooling my two oldest boys, blogging to build my writer’s brand, finishing this marathon that is writing a book, and oh, yeah, surviving my eighth month of pregnancy.  All the while keeping up with laundry, housework, cooking, and of course, maintaining a perfect manicure.


Not only was I going to start crafting regularly, I was going to blog about it.

*chuckles softly*  It was the Grandest of Delusions.

I love being creatively-busy.  Starting a project and watching it transform from bits and pieces that had no rhyme or reason at the start, seeing it through to completion…it just makes me happy.  That final sigh of satisfaction when a yard of fabric turns into a dress for my girl, or a previously boring white wall turns into something colorful and happy, or when I kill off a character that *may* have been loosely based off an ex-boyfriend…yep.  Nirvana.

But trying to make any of that happen right now would be like trying to dig a hole to China with my fingernails.  Dirty, messy, frustrating, and guaranteed never to be finished.  (Except for the imaginary killing off of ex-boyfriends.  Obviously.)

So, instead, I’m reining in my crafty ambitions to things that involve minimal effort on my part (for the time being…once Little Miss Took arrives and I’m back to my normal self, the sewing machine will see the light of day again!).  Read: Ordering crap online.

*Hubster, did you just sense a disturbance in the Force?  Don’t bother reaching for your wallet, darling.  Your credit card is still there, I promise.  I have the account numbers memorized.* 

Click here to go to Instagram's website.

Raise your hand if you love the Instagram app for your iPhone.  You know, the one that takes your snapshots and turns them into tiny squares of hipster-wannabe-awesomeness?

*this is my hand waving wildly in the air*

Instagram makes me happy…instantly.  Except for the fact that I’ve got all these cool pics on my phone, and no way of displaying them around my house, because most places don’t print photos in squares.

This no longer needs to be a problem!

Allow me to introduce you to Postal Pix.  Another app for your iPhone.  This one rocks my world because it (a) allows you to order photos straight from your phone, (b) they print in 4×4 squares, (c) their prices are super-reasonable and, (d) their shipping isn’t a rip-off.

Click here to visit PostalPix's website.

Last week I decided to give ’em a shot.  I ordered a dozen photos from my Instagram arsenal (for a total of something like $3.50, including shipping), and waited.  Less than a week later, the pics arrived in my mailbox.

And.  They.  Are.  DARLING.

I slapped those puppies up into a whatchymacallit thingy that’s been hanging empty on my dining room wall for an age and a half, and stood back, giggling at how sweet it looks.

Cute, right?  Now, what are you waiting for?  Go get yours!

26 thoughts on “Instagram + PostalPix = EasyHappyLove

  1. David N Walker says:

    We Cro-magnon types don’t have iPhones, so I’m not exactly with you on this, but I’m glad it makes you happy. Meanwhile, I’m quite satisfied with my non-internet cell phone. Is my age showing? Oh, well, I’ve got the gray hair and wrinkles to go with it.

  2. Emma Burcart says:

    But that means I would have to start taking good pictures with my phone! I don’t think that’s possible. I can’t hold it still and push the screen for the imaginary button, so they are all blurry and bad. But, I got a new camera for my birthday that works like a dream! Is there anyway to do cool things with pics that are not from a phone? That is my only option. Really. Trust me on that.

  3. Elen Grey says:

    I just put the Instagram on my iPhone last week. I haven’t tried it yet. Hm. I think I better take a look. PostalPix looks interesting. I’ll have to see if it’s offered in Canadaland. 😉 Cheers!

  4. Patricia says:

    Cool apps. Not sure I would ever use them since I so rarely use the camera feature on my phone, but great idea.

    And good luck with the crafting!

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

    • Myndi stray sock away from insanity. says:

      One of the things I love about it is you can use the regular camera on your phone, and later go in and Instagram your photos at your leisure. It’s pretty cool. And with the new iPhone update, they put the camera button right on your lock screen, so it’s wicked easy to get to when you need it in a snap.

      I ❤ things that are easy to use!!

  5. Molly Pendlebury says:

    Love it!!!! I’m totally getting that postal pix app!! I have and like Instagram but, haven’t used it in a while….why not?? How did it fall off my radar?? It’s a way cool app and now that I know I can print those way cool pics?!?!…..oh yeah baby… out!

    I have used iPrintme as well which turns your iPhone photos into a wrapped canvas print. I had a coupon thingy when I did it. I liked the print and was happy with the service. 🙂

  6. Elena Aitken says:

    Okay, that is SUPER cute! I love that!
    And really…YOU are super mom. For real. Just the fact that you considered crafting (let alone crafting more) while you do everything you do.
    Now excuse me…I have to go download some new apps!

  7. Tameri Etherton says:

    LOVE!!! I’m totally going to get postal pix on my phone because I just love to play around with instagram and those other pic apps I have. Can’t think of the name right now, but you probably know what I’m talking about.

    Those pics are super adorable! I love your wall whatyamathingy…

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