#thriftythursday – Hand Blown Glasses

Thrifting’s the best.

I love everything about it. The anticipation of hunting through cluttered shelves and racks. The excitement when something unexpected catches my eye and speaks to my soul. The feeling of finding a treasure, one that was brought about by both serendipity and effort.

Are you looking for a little nugget of destiny? Go thrifting. Seriously. I am convinced that Fate makes her home in second-hand shops. You might leave the house looking for the perfect lamp for your living room table, but there is a better-than-good chance that you’ll come home with a stunning turquoise-and-silver bangle bracelet instead. The Thrift Store Fates know what you need more than you think you know what you want. Step into their shabby aisles with an open hand and a willingness to improvise, and I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Because thrifting is so completely fabulous, I’m dedicating Thursdays to it. On Thursdays, we’ll celebrate our thrifty finds of the week. Instagram ’em, Tweet ’em, FB ’em, and be sure to use the hashtag #thriftythursday! You can follow me on any of those platforms at @myndishafer.

thrifty thursday - glassesTo launch the day, here is my big find this week: Five lovely hand-blown glasses, 99ยข each. Aren’t they so, so pretty? They look really pretty with the vintage FiestaWare that my mother-in-law passed down to us. The whole ensemble makes me think of summertime and lemonade, which is really lovely because the weather outside right now is appalling. Like, negative kerbillion degrees or something (dear Alaskan and Dakotan friends, please ignore my whining). Oh, and see those pretty lights in the background? They are strung upon a Christmas tree – the third in our house this year – that I picked up for a measly $10 at our local Goodwill. It was the perfect fit for our kitchen.

Now it’s your turn! What’s your favorite thrifting treasure? Did you sniff out something spectacular this week? Don’t forget to share!




4 thoughts on “#thriftythursday – Hand Blown Glasses

  1. Karen McFarland says:

    I am ashamed to say that I haven’t gone “thrifting” in a long time. But you are right. Thrifting is an amazing experience. It has been said, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure. And it’s true. Those glasses look vintage, southwest Myndi, but classy. I love when I find a bargain. I think I enjoy those treasures more than something that may have been more expensive. And you don’t have to worry as much that it might be destroyed. Especially with kids. I remember those days. “Don’t touch this!” Yeah, right. Like that’s gonna happen. lol. I have something now to look forward to on Thursdays. Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. jansenschmidt says:

    I love thrifting, but it seems like whenever I go to get something specific, let’s say Christmas ornaments for crafting projects, I never find what I need. But, I always come away with something lovely. It’s the best place in the world to get books. I almost never leave without a book or two. And i find quite a few shoes that still have original price tags on them. Lucky me.

    Your glasses are beautiful, but 3 Christmas trees? That’s a little too much for me.

    I shall try to remember to photograph my treasures from now on. I don’t instagram, but I can FB or Tweet them. Sounds like fun.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt.

    P.S. I’ts about a kerbillion minus degrees where I’m at, too. (Not really, it just feels that way when thermometer is only in the single digits.)

    • Fantasy For the Rest of Us. says:

      I LOVE finding books at the thrift store!!

      …and I would totally have a Christmas tree in every room of the house if I could. LOVE all the pomp at Christmastime.

      Definitely tweet or FB your thrift store finds next week! I’m so excited to see what you find!

      Stay warm, girl. โค

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