In the Nick of Time…New Year’s Resolutions Unveiled

I’ve struggled whether or not to publicly declare my New Year’s resolutions.  I’m a giant commitment-phobe, and the thought of saying “Hey, look at what I’m gonna do!” to anybody other than my son’s stuffed whale (the only person I tell all my secrets, hopes, and dreams to), has me breaking out in a cold sweat.  Because if anybody besides me or Whale knows my intentions for the next year, I might actually have to follow through on them, or face the embarrassment of failure.

Blech.  Forget it.  I’m ending this post now, right now.  *runs from the room screaming* *trips on something in the hallway* (Whale is on the floor, staring up at me with his dark, soulful eyes) *sighs heavily, picks up Whale, and shuffles back to the computer*

Okay, I’m back.  So.  New Year’s resolutions.  Here they are:

(1) I’m not going to nit-pick my body.  I’ve been blessed with excellent health, am in the process of making my fourth child…this body has been good to me.  Do I have stretch-marks?  Yep.  Are my arms and tummy flabbier than I would like?  Yep.  Do I sometimes still get a zit or two?  Yep.  But this body has been good to me.  Time for me to return the favor.  I’m going to use it.  I’m going to sweat, and breathe deeply, and sometimes, I’m going to be sore.  But through the process of getting back into shape after this last baby, I’m not going to nit-pick my body.  I’m not going to imagine what it would look like without the battle-wounds childbearing often places on a woman’s body – instead, I’m going to cherish those reminders of the three (soon to be four) most amazing children any parent has ever been blessed with.  Children who exist because I’ve been blessed with a body that could carry and nurture them to term.

(2) I’m going to admit that I’m a writer.  This is a silly little thing that shouldn’t be difficult, but is.  There’s this little irritating voice in the back of my head that says I should wait until I’m published; but this little ‘pastime’ of mine has quickly evolved into something that’s no longer a hobby…no sane person would spend this much time, effort, emotion, tears, determination, and did I say time, on a hobby.  I’m a writer.  It’s what I do.  I may not be the best writer on the planet.  Heck, I may not even be a good writer, yet.  But I’m a writer, working hard every single day to be a little better at it than I was the day before.

(3) I will finish my first book this year.  I will allow myself to put an end to the edits, to the modifications, to the obsessive going over, and over, and over each page, and be done with it.  I will allow myself to finish working on it, and be proud of it.  I will set a deadline, and meet it.  Suck on that, commitment-phobia!

(4) I will play.  With my kids, with the hubster, with my friends.  I will make time to romp, to laugh, to be frivolous, to be loud and live with mirth.  I will not get so caught up in my own life that I forget to enjoy the lives of those I love.

That’s it.  That’s what I’m planning for this year.  The over-achiever in me says the list is too short.  The commitment-phobe says it’s too long.  The tiny little part of my brain that is actually sane says it’s just right.

How about you, dear friendlies?  Do you make New Year’s resolutions?  Or do they scare the shiza out of you?  Or both?

35 thoughts on “In the Nick of Time…New Year’s Resolutions Unveiled

  1. mgmillerbooks says:

    You are a writer, Mindy. You’re sweating and screaming and suffering over words every day. If that doesn’t make a writer, then I don’t know what does. A lot of people have trouble owning up to it. I did once, for fear of replies like, “That’s niiiice.” Heh, you know what I mean. Finally I said, “Screw ya’ll,” and came out of the closet. You’ll be amazed what it does for you. Best of luck with that novel. ‘The’ and ‘End’ are the two greatest words in the English language.

  2. Marcy Kennedy says:

    I’m historically terrible about New Year’s Resolutions. I break them or forget about them within a month. But this year I think I’ve figured out the problem (at least I hope so) and so I’m working on my list right now and have already written a blog post about the fixes I’m trying to make this year (scheduled for Jan 2). We’ll see how it goes. My theme is making 2012 better than 2011 🙂

  3. August McLaughlin says:

    I used to find resolution setting foolish somehow, sort of like Valentine’s day being the one day we’re “supposed to” celebrate love. (We should always have and strive for goals, right?) Then last year, I set a resolution of improving my sleep. It ended up working so well, partly because I shared it with others (like you, rock star!) I’m setting some this year as well. I’m going to incorporate music into my daily life and spend more time outdoors.

    Cheering for you big time, Myndi!

  4. susielindau says:

    It took me a while before I told people I had started writing and was met with all kinds of reactions. Ironically my book club is not very interested for the most part. But I don’t regret it. since I believe a positive attitude about things brings about the best results!
    Great post1

  5. Alicia Street says:

    Luv this post, Myndi! I’m pretty bad at resolutions, too. The minute something seems like a RULE I get claustrophobic itches. But with my WANA1011 teammates coming up with such honest and inspiring posts about resolutions, I’m really motivated to lay a few down.

  6. Emma Burcart says:

    Those sound like great resolutions to me! And I think they are things you can stick to because people will want to remind you to keep having fun. Once you announce publicly that you are a writer, you will find that others help you with it by introducing you as a writer. Eventually you get used to it. And then you will feel good about doing it yourself.

  7. Tameri Etherton says:

    Good on you for posting your resolutions! They could totally be mine, well, except for the fourth child thing, two is good for us.

    This is going to be an exciting year for you, not just because you are having a baby, but for so many other reasons and listing your goals publicly is just the start. As they say, once you put it out there for the universe to hear, it happens.

    Happy 2012, Myndi!

  8. Sheila Seabrook says:

    Like you, Myndi, I’m commitment phobic. Your public announcement of your goals inspires me to step out of my comfort zone and do the same. So now it you don’t see me back here for a few weeks, you’ll know I am hiding under the bed. 🙂

  9. Momma Love says:

    Mynders, I am so proud of you! Not only that, I’m inspired by you. I’m not a N.Y.R. setter either but you’ve just prompted me to join you! Cuz you’re just awesome like that.
    Accountability-partner me, Myn?

  10. themidnightnovelist says:

    Oh, I know exactly how you feel when referring to #2. This is something I’m working on at the moment too. I’m terrible at resolutions, but I figured if I blogged about it, I would HAVE to stick with it. Sounds kind of fun, actually. Best of luck!

  11. Debra Eve says:

    What loving, realistic, doable goals. Makes me believe in New Year’s resolutions again. Looking forward to that book of yours!

  12. Barbara McDowell says:

    Great, doable goals. Like others, I shy away from declared resolutions in January. I find that I make life change commitments more throughout the year. My general 2012 focus will be to apply what I’ve learned. Oh and face down some fears.

  13. Karen McFarland says:

    Hey Myndi, I feel your pain. I have the same fears, except I’m not pregnant, and goals are the hardest thing for me to make. A fear of failure. It’s awful. But even though I’m petrified, I’m going to join ROW80 even if it kills me. And I noticed earlier today that you had said on Jenny Hansen’s blog that you might be joining too. May I ask you a favor? If you don’t see me over at ROW80 next Monday, come pull me over Myndi! I need someone to make me accountable. I would really appreciate the kick in the butt. Thank you. 🙂

  14. Angela Orlowski-Peart says:

    I love love love those resolutions, girl! I have tons of respect for mothers who proudly wear the signs of a childbearing. Good for you 🙂

    This is what my Creative Writing college teacher told me and my classmates more than once, “You write, you are serious about this business of writing, you are completely and honestly passionate about it – that makes you a writer!” Damn straight!

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